Landmark Chiropractic
Branding, Logo & Website Design
Landmark Family Chiropractic was recently established and came to Kessler Digital Design for website design.
They had a previously designed logo and color scheme that we used as a base. The original logo was very heavy, and it just didn’t communicate the proper message. We did utilize the triangle shape, but lightened the weight of it and gave it some interest with the triangles aligning together.
Most chiropractors’ color schemes tend to have a pastel palette and have a clinical feel. We determined that the target audience was a more modern and wellness-centric, so that drove the look of the vibrant green and graphic elements. Also, the original font was kind of clunky and hard to read when it was reduced to a smaller size or seen from a distance.
The design of the website was kept clean and simple with a limited color palette and four icons for the main services.