Gemmill Stewardship Report
DelVal University
The Gemmill family, who owned a farm near the University, graciously donated their estate to DelVal. We needed to create a good-looking booklet that would chronicle the use of their land and money. It was a highly personalized piece, and only 12 copies were produced.

The cover was crafted from handmade paper with rose petals embedded in the pulp. Their initial was hand cut, and the rest of the name painted with watercolors.
The Gemmill family really appreciated the attention to detail and were pleased with the quality of the content.

Betsy Gemmill at a University Q&A event

The graphic element of the five spruces was tied throughout the report.

The various intro pages for each section were photos of the DelVal campus, in the classroom, or on the Gemmill Five Spruce Farm.

The selected photos were sketched with pencil on a translucent paper to illustrate the development of the donation and how it was being used.

Here you can see the effect of the translucent paper layered over top of the photo and lettering.

Photos of the orchard at the Gemmill Five Spruce Farm

Quotes from various students and faculty told their stories of how their lives had been impacted by the family’s donation. These were also printed on translucent paper. The handmade paper was digitized and made to look like the real thing, but had a transparency to it.